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Since 1961 Mercury Insurance has been one of the most trusted names in the industry. We’ve made it easy to get a quote and buy online.
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The fastest, most accurate way to get a quote. Compare multiple companies by speaking directly with a dedicated insurance specialist.

Why Choose KPIA?
KPIA has been providing the best insurance products and services for Apple Valley, Victorville, Hesperia and all of California since 1972. We have been fulfilling your insurance needs as a family-run local business and have built our reputation on the principles of providing superior customer service and quality insurance services for our customers.

While most insurance agents only work with one company, as an independent agent, we work with many of California’s top rated insurance companies. That allows us to provide you with many options for your insurance coverage so we can find the best policy to suit your individual needs. We are dedicated to providing the best insurance products and services available to protect you, your family and your business.

You can compare rates from multiple insurance carriers right now at for California auto insurance and homeowners insurance policies. You may also fill out the online forms and we will reply with competitive rate quotes, usually within one business hour.


Automobile Insurance

Why fill out so many online forms just to get a good car insurance quote? Save time and money by using our Quote Center. Just fill out one form and we’ll do the rest to bring you all the competing quotes and offers from top rated companies to get the best policy for you.

Home Insurance

Your home is a huge investment, how you insure it is extremely important. All home insurance policies are not the same and if not properly insured, you may find yourself without a home or the money to rebuild. Get the best price AND the right coverage for YOUR home.

Business Insurance

Your business is something you’re passionate about, so leave its insurance policy in the hands of dedicated and professional agents who are also passionate about what they do and understand the many complexities and nuances of small business insurance.

Other Insurance

At Kennedy Professional Insurance Agency we offer much more than just Auto, Home and Small Business Insurance. Did you know that we also offer policies that cover RV’s, motorcycles, personal watercrafts as well as various types of renters insurance?

What Would You Like to Insure Today?

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The Latest Insurance Articles from KPIA

Do you want to learn more about insurance? Do you have an insurance-related question? Kevin Kennedy of blogs about the topic, writing articles of interest to the consumer. With decades of experience writing all kinds of insurance policies in Apple Valley, Victorville, Hesperia and surrounding areas, the blog can educate and inform you about insuring your car, home, boat, business… whatever you need to insure. You can also find out how you can save lots of money with the correct policy and how we can help you lower your insurance costs.

Teen Car Insurance – Part 1: Insuring a New Driver

The definitive guide to insuring your newly-licensed teen driver. There are more ways to save money on your auto insurance than you might think, and adding your teen to your insurance doesn’t have to be a nightmare in the making. Arm yourself with knowledge of how to maneuver in the auto insurance world to save yourself money and a bit of grief.

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Auto Insurance Broker Fees: Reasonable or Rip Off?

Are auto insurance broker fees all they’re cracked up to be? These mysterious fees seem to come from nowhere and seem to do nothing but add additional costs to your insurance quote. Learn more about the why and how broker fees are charges, and what you may be able to do to avoid them in the future.

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Coleen Q


“Kevin and his crew are great to work with and very customer-centric.
Steve L.

Auto Insurance Customer