Home Insurance
Bringing you all the competing quotes and offers from top rated companies to get the best policy for you.

Why Choose KPIA for Your Home Insurance Needs?
It is easy to look at all homeowners policies as equal, but that is not the case. From budget conscious, stripped down policies to package policies that add many important coverage features, homeowners products are as numerous and varied as the companies that write them. All too often, however, the client does not understand the limitations or features of their policy. It is our job as the agent to explain the differences that exist and give the client the ability to make a well-informed decision. We take that job seriously.
Earthquake Insurance
Did you know that earthquake insurance is very affordable? Most homeowners don’t. Why else would they fail to protect themselves from one disaster that we KNOW is going to happen? Most agents only offer earthquake protection from the California Earthquake Authority whose rates are generally pretty expensive. At KPIA, we have over a dozen different earthquake insurance products with lower rates, better coverage and lower deductibles than the CEA. It’s going to happen, Learn how to be best prepared!
Most California property owners understand that scientists are predicting that a major earthquake (8.0 or larger) in California is not only likely, it is all but certain. Despite this, the vast majority do not carry earthquake insurance. This is largely due to the misconception that earthquake insurance is expensive, which can be true in high risk areas. Also, the price can be high when insuring through the California Earthquake Authority (CEA), the only product that most agents and insurance companies offer. However, most Californians don’t live in an area where earthquake premiums are high and they don’t understand that there are much more affordable policies out there that provide much broader coverage than the basic policy offered by the CEA. At KPIA, we draw on 40-years of experience writing earthquake insurance and offer the variety of earthquake products, tailored to fit any insurance plan or budget. After all, it’s not a question of if, but when, that earthquake will happen and when it does, you’ll either be glad you had earthquake insurance or wish you did.
Renters Insurance
Maybe the most overlooked homeowners product, renters insurance may be the biggest bargain in all of insurance. In fact, when paired with an auto policy, it can often be virtually free, yes free, because of multi-policy discounts. If a renter’s policy costs $100/year, but discounts the auto policy by 10%, many times it saves the client money to carry the renter’s policy. But why would a renter need such a policy? The answer is to protect their personal property and to give them valuable liability coverages. Do you really have the money to replace everything in your apartment? Do you have the money to pay for lawyers and a judgement should somebody get hurt in your home? Renters insurance provides these valuable protections and more.
Flood Insurance
Did you realize that while your homeowners policy covers damage due to water, it does not cover the damage if the water flows in from the outside. When we think of flood, many people picture entire neighborhoods flooded in the midwest and it all seems so far away and so unlikely to happen here in California. However, when we have extensive rains as we did in 2011, many homes can flood. All it takes is an accumulation of water or a diversion of water running by a neighbors house and water could flood into your home. Fortunately, flood insurance is generally very affordable for most homes at a fraction of the cost of their homeowners policy.