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While auto insurance is a very common term, there are many types of coverage available depending on the type of vehicle to be insured and how that vehicle is used. As an independent agent, we have the resources and markets available to make sure your vehicles are insured properly. Insuring vehicles on the wrong type of policy could mean that you are paying more for coverage than you need to. Even worse, when a claim happens, you could find that you are not properly insured! Of course, by then it is too late.
Personal Car Insurance
While this is the most common type of auto insurance, there is nothing common about insuring your vehicle properly. Lots of coverage options exist and a professional agent can assist you in selecting those coverages which are right for you. Even when it comes to the most common of all coverages, Liability Coverage, selecting the wrong limit could mean that you are still vulnerable in the event of a serious accident. On the flip side, it is quite common to see drivers carrying too much coverage meaning they are paying for coverage they don’t really need.
As your agent, it is our goal to make sure that you get the right amount of coverage for your individual situation. For more information, visit the Consumer Information section of our web site.
Classic Car Insurance
For many auto enthusiasts, nothing beats a Sunday drive in their “baby’. At KPIA, we understand your passion for your special vehicles. We bring the same passion to making sure that your vehicle gets the extra special attention when it comes to selecting the right policy. Did you know that Classic Cars Insurance is generally much less expensive than regular auto insurance?
This is because no one takes better care of their cars than auto enthusiasts and these vehicles are driven much less than ordinary cars. You don’t treat your ‘baby’ like just any old car, why insure it like one? For more information on the special coverage available for classic cars, see our Consumer Information section of our web site.
RV and Motorhome Insurance
Do you have RV insurance for your motor home or is your RV insured on the same policy as your cars? Many don’t realize that it’s smarter to get specialized Motorhome Insurance. Why? Because it provides better coverages, specific to the needs of RV enthusiasts, usually at a LOWER PRICE than simply adding it to your auto insurance policy. Specialized towing, trip interruption coverage, personal effects coverage, liability coverage at camp sites are all probably not provided by your regular car insurance. Get smart, get covered, then get going!
With the cost of many recreational vehicles, doesn’t it make sense to make sure they are properly covered? All too often, recreational vehicle enthusiasts rely on their auto policies or home policies to provide coverage. While some can be added onto an auto policy (motorhomes, travel trailers, etc.), insuring them omits a lot of valuable coverages that are automatically included in a specialized RV policy. Also, there is a common misconception that homeowners policies can provide coverage for recreational vehicles when in fact homeowners policies specifically exclude coverage for them, both for liability and coverage for the vehicle itself.
Most auto insurance companies will let you add a motorhome or travel trailer to the policy, however most often those policies are not designed to handle some important coverages that a specialized RV Insurance policy will provide. Things like coverage for personal effects, added towing costs associated with towing such a large vehicle, vacation liability, coverage for awnings and much more. Some RV policies even include pet injury coverage. So go ahead, hit the road and relax with the peace of mind that your special RV has coverage that is just as special.
Thinking of driving for LYFT or UBER? Get an instant, online quote from MERCURY INSURANCE.
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