
CHP Removes Motorcycle Lane Splitting Guidelines

The CHP has taken the lane-splitting guidelines off of their site. The California Highway Patrol (CHP) has removed its Motorcycle Lane Splitting General Guidelines from their web site, much to the surprise of, and over objections from,  motorcycle enthusiasts and...

Is All Auto Insurance the Same?

There’s a word that’s been floating about the auto insurance industry the past few years:  Commoditization.  What that basically means is that most of the public now views auto insurance as a commodity, something that is the same no matter where you buy...

Car Insurance 101: What is Full Coverage Insurance?

Pop quiz:  What does “full coverage” mean?  You are correct (assuming you answered).  How do I know this?  Quite simply, it means whatever you think it means.  There is no set definition for the term, it is actually nothing more than a conversational...